Sunday, March 29, 2009


The Noble Prize is considered the most prestigious prize in the world .It is awarded annually to people or institutions for outstanding contribution in a variety of fields for the good of humanity.
The prize is named after Alfred Nobel, who in his will directed that the interest from the funds be set aside and used to give one annual prize in each of the five fields of Physics, Chemistry, medicine and literature and the ‘most effective work in the interest of International peace’. The prizes were first presented in 1901. A sixth prize the Nobel Memorial prize in economic science was instituted in 1968, by the national bank of Sweden.

These six Nobel prizes are awarded every year on December 10th the death anniversary of Alfred Nobel. Each recipient is presented a gold medal, a certificate baring the awards name and field of achievement, and a cash prize. The abverse side of each metal has a burst of Alfred Nobel. The reverse side of each medal, other than those of Physics and Chemistry, which had identical reverse sides, is different. The rize-giving ceremony is held in Stockholm, Sweden. The peace prize, however, is awarded in Oslo, Norway.
The Prize-winners are chosen by different committee whose members are selected by the Swedish Academics and institution and the Norwegian Parliament. The candidates are chosen from among the names recommended by eminent scholars, former Nobel Prize winners and distinguished scientist. The candidate does not apply for the prize directly. Sometimes two or more winners share the prize and sometimes no candidate is found suitable for a particular prize in that year.

In his will, Alfred Nobel had mentioned: “,…It is my express wish that in awarding the prizes no consideration whatever shall be given to nationality of the candidates, but that the most worthy shall receive the prize whether he be a Scandinavian or not.”

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