Monday, March 16, 2009



Hi! I am Geetika I want to tell you about Einstein’s special theory of relativity which is now a law .As we know Einstein gave a special theory of relativity in 1905, the famous E=mc2 formula
According to conventional model of particle physics, subatomic particle like protons and neutrons which are usually bound in the nucleus of atom comprise even more elementary particles known as quarks, which in turn are held too gather by gluons .The problem is that the mass of gluons is zero while that of quarks accounts for only 5 percent .So where the rest of 95 percent? The missing percent of the mass from the energy resulting from the interactions and movements of quarks and gluons .Gluons, in fact, are constantly popping into existence and disappearing again and energy of these so called vacuum fluctuations has to be included in the total mass. The new study crunched the numbers and found it matched the equation.
Does this make the theory of special relativity a “law” now? Actually nobody in scientific community. Ever needed to make this pointless distinction _especially since it had been experimentally tested over several decades to an extremely high degree of accuracy and was accepted by physicists the world over .The atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were, unfortunately the direct result of an application of the same theory .
But there is a lesson to be learnt here for advocates of intelligent Design who rail against Darwin by saying that his, too ,is only a “theory” of evolution and , therefore ,should be treated on par with creationism which states that earth is just few thousand years old and humans were create by divine intervention .They forget that evolution is a powerful explanatory and predictive theory which has been verified experimentally .. So often that it is become the central organizing principle of modern biology today. Meaning, it is no longer requires the additional stamp of some ultimate confirmation to be considered a law.

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