Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Luminous life of Alfred Nobel

The Luminous life of Alfred Nobel

On October 21, 1833 a bailey boy to a family in Stockholm, Sweden his father was Immanuel Nobel and his mother was Andretti Ahlell Noble.
He learnt a great deal of his own, which included learning French, by translating Voltaire first into Swedish and then back into French and checking it again the original. Alfred Noble’s expanding capacity that his revolutionary inventions the blasting cap and dynamite, patented in 1863and 1867 respectively famed the basis for operations at Vinterviken. Dynamite and detonating caps became much demanded in the construction of industry. Alfred set up factories in ninety different places. He also experimented hundred and fifty five patients in his name. He had been suffering from chronic cold and symptoms of scurry for some time and the balmy, mild climate of the Mediterranean was a welcome relief after the cold and humidity of Paris. The property that Alfred Nobel brought of the Rivera Di Puente, in 1891, had a large villa, whose exterior canned influences of the kind of architecture more widespread in the orient. He was familiar with Volaire and Rousseau the philosophers of enlightenment. He had also set out the draft of a longer novel called” Systrana” (the sisters), where he discusses faith and knowledge with free thinker called Oswald and questions the divinity of Christ .His last wish expressed that in awarding the prizes to no, the candidates but that the most worthy shall receive the prize, whether he be Scandinavian or not. He died in 1896 in his home in Sanrem, lately on December 10, 1896.

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