Wednesday, February 18, 2009


The term mitosis was used by Fleming in 1882. In mitosis, the two chromatids of each chromosome separate and move to the opposite poles of the cell. As a result, the two daughter nuclei produced by mitotic division of a nucleus contain the same number and kinds of chromosomes as did the parent cell. Somatic cell of the organisms divides through mitosis. In addition, cell in reproductive tissues undergo mitosis upto just prior to the mitotic division, and nuclei of the spores produced by meiosis also divides mitotically.
Development of embryos from zygote involves repeated mitotic division. In the initial stages, all the cell of a young embryo undergoes cell division. But as the development of embryo progresses, cell division becomes confined to some specific organs and tissues. In plants, mitosis is confined to the meristematic tissues of root and shoots tips, young leaves, flowers buds and cambium. In adult animals, mitosis is ordinarily confined to the organs concerned with the production of the blood cell, outer skin cells and gut epithelium. Healing of wounds and replacement of damaged organs in both plants and animals is based on mitotic cell division.

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