Thursday, April 9, 2009


Infection is the lodgment and mulplication of the infectious agent in or on the tissues of the host. The infection may be acquired by contact, inhalation ingestion, or inoculation, or from insects, or may be iatrogenic or congenital. It can be classified into primary infection (initial infection with an infectious agent in a host), reinfection (subsequent infection by the same infectious agents in the host and secondary infection) (a new agent set up an infection when pre-existing infectious disease lowers the resistance). Depending upon the source, infection is classified into exogenous where infection from the external sources and endogenous when infection is from the host’s own body.

Friday, April 3, 2009


“History is bunk”, flatly and famously stated Henry Ford in 1916. We don’t quite agree. Sure, we can let bygones be bygones. But if what was done fifty or hundred years ago endures, if has changed the way we live. If it has enriched our lives-we’re interested. What was computing like when there were no mice and-no horror of it!-No color displays? A passion for technology is not limited to checking out the latest graphics cards. We want to know how it all happened: how we got married to the phenomenon called technology. This is not a history. It’s a celebration of five decades of technology and not to forget, a tribute to men who made it happen.
So while these hippies were lying on the grass and getting stoned, not everyone was convinced that t at was where the good life was. Researches in the corporate and the university labs were for the ultimate good of mankind, engaged in serious work (yes, there was a lot of that in 60’s, too). And they weren’t working on their laptops from the comfort of their homes: they got down to the dirty, as an actual hands-on work with primitive components. A few dreamers here and there wrote seminal papers. Companies some small some large introduced devices, some that fizzled out, some that endured.